Closing date for all submissions is on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday 5th February 2021.

Cork Nature Network is aware of the news that Cork City Council aim to develop the Passage Railway Greenway (from Mahon towards Passage West).

This development is currently in a consultation stage with the public and stakeholders within the area. During this phase, you can offer your opinion on the design of the development. More information on this proposed development is in the link below. Importantly this includes the route options.

This development is proposed to be located between Harry’s Quay and Hop Island on the way out to Passage West. Some of the routes run alongside valuable mud flat and estuary habitat for wading birds, waterfowl and otters. The proposed development site is adjacent to the Cork Harbor SPA (Site Code:004030), an area protected for many bird species including Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Shoveler and Red-breasted Merganser. The Harbour SPA is one of the most important wildlife sites in the County.

Cork Nature Network welcomes the development of projects such as this, which can not only aid in our mental and physical health and engage and educate us about the wildlife around us but also act as buffer zones and commuting corridors for Ireland’s plants, animals and invertebrates. Whilst Cork Nature Network sees the development of greenways as beneficial, all developments are likely to have an impact in some way on nature. Regarding this, Cork Nature Network is pleased to see that the City are committed to assessing the impacts (positive and negative) on nature via an Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

Cork Nature Network are conscious that some of the route options (1 & 2 & 3), running right alongside the coast, are highly likely to have negative impacts disturbing the protected birdlife within the harbour. The City Council’s assessments must take these into account. At this stage, Cork Nature Network suggest the design work for the project should be extremely cautious about these route options.

Another potential negative impact alongside the disturbance to the important birdlife could be harsh lighting, in operation throughout the night, disturbing otters and other nocturnal wildlife. There may be ways to mitigate this with wildlife-friendly lighting options and these must be considered.

Cork City Council is currently seeking your opinion on this proposed development and would like to hear the views of residents and greenway users on the route and car park options being considered. To let them know your views, simply go to .

Closing date for all submissions is on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday 5th February 2021. It would be helpful if supporters could raise their real concern about the route options (1,2 & 3) that run alongside the harbour itself.